Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Customized gifts for your guests

Whether you need gifts to present to your wedding guests or wedding party, consider personalized skincare products and custom gift baskets. Natural skincare products can be personalized with your name and/or favorite picture and not only give the recipient a momento of your special day, it's also a wonderful gift you know they will actually use. Sarah Scott products offers custom labeling options for many of their natural skincare products and will work with brides to make the perfect gift for her guests and/or wedding party. In addition, Sarah Scott can produce custom gift baskets and gift bags that complement the labeling on the skincare products. One recent project entailed custom gift bags for all out-of-town guests. Pictures of the bride and groom adorned not only the customized lotion bottles but also the gift bags.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Support Socially Responsible Companies!

Take a moment to check out ChangeTheMold.com -- a great site, that in all honesty I know you'll end up spending more than a moment on! "Doing Good, While Doing Business: Support Socially Responsible Companies" is designed to introduce you to businesses that give back to their communities in a variety of forms -- companies whose customers in many cases are unaware that acts of generosity are taking place behind the scenes. So, the next time you want to purchase an item, check with ChangeTheMold.com

Myrna Chandler Goldstein, the creator of "Doing Good, While Doing Business" has been a freelance writer for almost two decades. During that time, she has written thousands of articles and six books. She is currently writing two more books.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Plan a green wedding!

It's no surprise that as more and more people are "going green," people are also having "green weddings." Remember, it's your wedding, so you can adjust the green "dial" up as much as you would like! Here are just a few ideas for incorporating "green" into the happiest day of your life:
  • There are a variety of eco-friendly wedding invitations, place cards and thank-yous available. Whether your choose to have a professional create your inviations or make them yourself, there are many recycled and now "plantable" papers available. With plantable paper stock, the paper is made with embedded flowers and seeds. After the event, your guests can actually plant the invitation and it will bloom!
  • How about organic wedding favors? One popular option is natural and organic skincare with customized labeling to commemorate your special day. Sarah Scott ( http://www.shopsarahscott.com/ ) offers customized solutions for their skincare products, as well as gift baskets filled with natural and organic products, perfect for gifts for bridesmaids and the mother of the bride!
  • Sustainable party favors are also becoming increasingly popular. Placecards with saplings attached are a great way to encourage your guests to "go green."
  • Serve guests organic foods and wines at the wedding - make it a truly memorable experience with organic alcohol.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chemical-Free Bug Repellants

Don’t turn to chemically-laden bug repellants this summer. You can protect yourself naturally! Here are some quick tips for a happier, bug-free environment…
  • Neem oil, eucalyptus oil and soybean oil have all been proven to ward off mosquitoes. You can look for natural repellants that contain these ingredients or simply use a 30% concentration of eucalyptus oil (70% cineole content) to keep mosquitoes at bay for up to two hours.

  • Crushed mint, sweet basil and clover, bay leaves, and eucalyptus are all effective repellants for flies.

  • Barbequing tonight’s meal? Toss some rosemary or sage on the coals to repel mosquitoes.

  • Cut up garlic and place around your deck to ward off ants.

  • Cockroaches hate catnip.

  • Some campers swear by mixing Avon Skin-So-Soft® bath oil with rubbing alcohol (50/50 mixture) as the best solution for keeping mosquitoes away.

  • Who knew planting the right types of flowers in your garden could help? Flying insects do not like the fragrance of Marigolds and will avoid the area.

Looking for more bug-relief solutions? Pick up a copy of the latest Natural Health Magazine (July/August 2009 edition). There are some great ideas in their Holistic Wellness Solutions section on Natural Healing.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Natural remedies for hair problems

People are always asking me for advice on finding natural remedies for their hair problems. Hair loss is genetically influenced but hard to predict. More than half of American men suffer significant hair loss by the age of 45; many women suffer from hair loss, but it is usually less severe. My top choices for natural treatments are saw palmetto, licorice, rosemary, horsetail, and stinging nettle. You'll need to ask a good herbalist for correct dosages, or educate yourself online -- I don't like to make dosage recommendations. Hopefully this will give you a good start as you learn more about natural treatments for hair loss problems. (Pictured at left: Saw Palmetto plant, in its natural form) Pick up a copy of the April 2009 Natural Health Magazine - on page 72, you'll enjoy their "Healthy Hair Secrets" article!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Stay flake-free with Peppermint and Tea Tree Shampoo

In the wintertime, when the humidity level drops, so does the moisture level in our skin. Sensitive scalps can become dry and inflamed, and can lead to flaking and dandruff. Fortunately, there are natural solutions to this problem. Shampoos with Peppermint and Tea Tree Oils (like Sarah Scott's Peppermint Clarifying Shampoo) have natural astringents that help battle dandruff. You can also lower the heat setting on your hair dryer to ensure a flake-free scalp.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Stay natural and keep clear of artifically-scented lotions!

If you're into natural skincare, you know the importance of staying clear of anything that contains artificial fragrances. Store shelves are full of inexpensive lotions and moisturizers that might smell great, but leave you wondering what kind of chemicals you are putting on your skin. However, there are alternatives to those chemically-based lotions. Sarah Scott's Lavender Lotion has a wonderful lavender scent that comes from real essential oil (imagine that!). It's not often you will find a lavender lotion with healing aloe and Vitamin E - which will work wonders on your skin. And don't worry, the natural fragrance isn't overpowering, plus it's safe for sensitive skin too. Available at http://www.shopsarahscott.com/.
