Don’t turn to chemically-laden bug repellants this summer. You can protect yourself naturally! Here are some quick tips for a happier, bug-free environment…
- Neem oil, eucalyptus oil and soybean oil have all been proven to ward off mosquitoes. You can look for natural repellants that contain these ingredients or simply use a 30% concentration of eucalyptus oil (70% cineole content) to keep mosquitoes at bay for up to two hours.
- Crushed mint, sweet basil and clover, bay leaves, and eucalyptus are all effective repellants for flies.
- Barbequing tonight’s meal? Toss some rosemary or sage on the coals to repel mosquitoes.
- Cut up garlic and place around your deck to ward off ants.
- Cockroaches hate catnip.
- Some campers swear by mixing Avon Skin-So-Soft® bath oil with rubbing alcohol (50/50 mixture) as the best solution for keeping mosquitoes away.
- Who knew planting the right types of flowers in your garden could help? Flying insects do not like the fragrance of Marigolds and will avoid the area.
Looking for more bug-relief solutions? Pick up a copy of the latest Natural Health Magazine (July/August 2009 edition). There are some great ideas in their Holistic Wellness Solutions section on Natural Healing.